Vladimir E. Begletzov, conductor
In Russia, people have been singing - very well and since a very long time. The Chorus of Young Christers was founded in the 15th century and still exists in St. Petersburg as the Boy Choir of the Glinka Choir College. Throughout history, the young choristers trained in this establishment have offered their musical contribution to many patriotic, cultural or sports celebrations. Great composers of the past, such as Schumann, Liszt and Berlioz, have expressed their admiration for the fresh voices of this remarkable boy's choir. The singers and their conductor Vladimir Begletzov are used to travelling the world and regularly perform in the most prestigious venues. They will be appreciated guests at this festival devoted to Russian culture and will enrich the programme with an evening dedicated to Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, two composers who both spent time in Switzerland in the course of their careers.
Piotr Ilyitch Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Meet it is, in Truth, to bless Thee
Our Father (The Lord’s Prayer)
Sergueï Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)
Come, Let Us Worship
O, Lord, Save the Pious and Holy God
Hymn of the Cherubs
The Mercy of the World
We Praise Thee, O God
Praise the Lord from Heaven
Blessed is He Who Cometh
Let our Mouths be filled with Thy Praise
Blessed be the Name of the Lord
Prices (CHF)
CAT A: 55.- (church bench - centre)
CAT B: 45.- (chair - side)
Free seating