Camerata Bern
"Time and Eternity"

Patricia Kopatchinskaja, concept, conductor, violin
Michael Brooks Reid, conductor for the Symphony No. 2 for strings and trumpet of Arthur Honegger
Patricia Kopatchinskaja approaches music in her own personal fashion: most often barefoot and with a fierce desire to tell a story as a whole through the chosen works. Her "Time & Eternity" programme is centred on Karl Amadeus Hartmann's Concerto funebre. Here is music "made out of the blood and tears of tortured souls... it is about us, our past and our future". This ceremonial concert also gives to hear pieces by John Zorn, Honegger, Bach and the Russian funeral march quoted by Hartmann. Such unusual juxtapositions are precisely Pat Kop's signature!
John Zorn (né en 1953) - Kol Nidre
Karl Amadeus Hartmann (1905-1963) - Concerto Funebre for violin and string orchestra
N.N. Ikonnikow, arrangement Wieslaw Pipczynski, texts W.G. Archangelski, texts in German Hermann Scherchen - Unsterbliche Opfer & War Cadenza (improvisation)
Luboš Fišer (1935-1999) - Crux for violin, timpani and bells
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) – Choral Als Jesus Christus in der Nacht BWV 265, Transcription for string orchestra
Arthur Honegger (1892-1955) – Symphony No. 2 for strings and trumpet
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) - Choral O grosse Lieb, Transcription for string orchestra
The concert, without intermission, ends around 21:30. It is recorded by Espace 2.
Cat. A : 50.– | Cat. B : 40.–
Price for Young people/Students/Apprentices: 10.–