In this 70-minute show, no dialogue, just music perfectly adapted to the acrobatics of these outstanding dancers, discovered by the two directors Andrey Koltsov and Irina Drozhzhina. The show was also conceived in collaboration with Debra Brown who has choreographed several Cirque du Soleil productions such as "Alegria", "Saltimbanco" and "O" presented in a pool in Las Vegas. She has also collaborated with Madonna and Aerosmith on video clips and world tours. Her innovative work has been recognized in the United States and rewarded with the prestigious Emmy Awards. A know-how that can be found back in "Reverse". This intense and dynamic production reflects man's constant struggle with the outside world and within himself, a struggle illustrated through paintings punctuated by balancing feats symbolizing the spectrum of our emotions. Beyond this astonishing performance, "Reverse" delivers a philosophical message on human destiny.
"Reverse": Monday 9 September 2019, 20:00 at the Stravinski Auditorium, Montreux.